Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dancing With Demons

If you're looking for the perfect place to let your hair down, listen to some good ole fashioned County music, line dance, and maybe even karaoke, then you may want to enter the front door of Bobby Mackey’s Music World in Kentucky. Beware, you may need to check your soul at the door! Long before it was Bobby Mackey’s Music World there was a slaughter house that sat on top of a well, which was used to dispose of animal parts and blood. After the abandonment of the slaughterhouse a group of Satanists found the basement, and the well, to be a haven for practicing morbid rituals. It was rumored that animal and even human sacrifices took place in the basement and were disposed of in the well. The most popular story is one of twenty two year old Pearl Bryan who was swept off her feet by a debonair dentist who turned out to be anything but. Pearl had no idea that her new-found love was part of a satanic group that met near the well. Pearl became pregnant, but unfortunately met her tragic end at the hands of this evil cult. Pearl's body was found just behind what is now the YMCA in Fort Thomas, Kentucky, her decapitated head missing. Though it has been over 100 years since her brutal murder, Pearl is still witnessed to be wandering Bobby Mackey’s Music World, lost, confused, and likely very angry.The cult-murderers were eventually convicted and hanged. Before they were sentenced to death, the men were offered life sentences in exchange for disclosing the whereabouts of Pearl's missing head. They refused the offer, claiming that to do so would bring the wrath of the devil himself.The slaughterhouse was torn down - everything except for the well. the new building erected in its place, shared the same dark reputation as the previous and hosted a slurry of mobsters, hard-drinkers, gamblers and criminals. Following many violent murders, the property has changed hands several times over the years. Even the Hard Rock Cafe couldn't compete with the evil entities and their thirst for destruction! Bobby Mackey and his wife purchased the property in 1978 and while they have seen much success, it has been accompanied by unexplained phenomena and paranormal seen all over the club, many of them malevolent. Douglas Hensley's, "Hell's Gate" Terror at Bobby Mackey's,tells the true story of poltergeist activity supported by 29 sworn affidavits. It is not a surprise that this haunted honky-tonk is known as one of the most haunted places in America. Even the cast of the popular Travel Channel show,Ghost Adventures, has stated that Bobby Mackey's is one of the most menacing locations that they have ever investigated. For those brave enough to dabble in their own paranormal investigative work, Bobby Mackey's offers ghostly tours.So the next time you're in Kentcky and you're in the mood for a night club with a history of emotional pain, murder and satanic rituals, visit Bobby Mackey's Music World! They're DYING to meet you.

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